“The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out.” - Proverbs 18:15

Songs of Advent
Listen to the Voices and Sounds of those who are waiting for the coming King.
Apostles Creed
Dive deep into what what the Apostles Creed is all about and what it means for us.
Our Idols
What are the idols in our modern life and How we battle them today.
Listen Here
A Study in the Letter to the Colossians: A letter written to help a new church grow in maturity around the central figure of their gathered and scattered life - Jesus.
Other Sermons
Search here for various Sermons Preached in the worshiping life of Living Fellowship.
Jonah: A story of Grace
Caught by parable, caught by prayer, caught hesitating at the edge of the abyss, we are led gently but surely into the depths where we can develop a spirituality adequate to our calling. - Eugene Peterson
The Beatitudes
An Invitation to come and follow Christ!
How can relationships move from messy to healthy in God, and from self-interested to robust in love.
The stories in the gospel of Mark astonish us with the Compassionate Christ, who has come to welcome us into his presence.

We believe the good news of the Gospel is able to heal our deepest hurts and give us hope that all can be made well.