Discover how the word of God can impact your purpose, relationships, and vocational calling.
The truth of the Gospel is life-changing.

A Home in Christ for All People.
Partnering with God as a welcoming community to be kingdom ambassadors for God's renewing of all things in our neighborhoods, relationships, and vocations in Metro Atlanta and around the globe.
We believe we are called to be God’s welcoming presence in our community - to move across cultural, economic, social, and ethnic walls and be present in and love our community. We hope that through the welcoming of all people, the grace of God’s message of reconciliation would be communicated.
We believe that the making of disciples is about holistic spiritual formation. It is not just the task of forming us spiritually, but also emotionally and relationally. As a community, we are faithful to Christ’s Great Commission by engaging in both common and private worship, prayer, holistic discipleship, and leadership development for the glory of God and the growth of the gospel in our hearts, homes, and community.
We desire to be a people known for our love and engagement in our community. This means that in our ordinary daily tasks as people changed and formed by the gospel, we work as agents of renewal—locally and globally. We, as a church, desire to equip, mobilize, and resource God’s agents of renewal in our community, city and world for the glory of God and for the good of our neighbors.