Our Core Beliefs
We believe the gospel is the biblical message of hope and grace. The gospel is hope for our world because it is the message that tells us God is redeeming His fallen creation through the coming of the Kingdom of God in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
The gospel is also the message of grace: we are saved from our sin and transformed by grace through faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ. It is through the gospel of Jesus, not our own works or ideas, that we are made new.
We believe that we were all welcomed into the grace of God, even while we were estranged from Jesus. And yet, Jesus welcomed us with open arms into His kingdom and into His embrace.
We are a church whose orientation is holistic: toward God, toward our church community, and toward the world. With these orientations, we desire to be a people that welcomes all in our community, regardless if they are following, skeptical of, or indifferent to Jesus. With that posture, in both word and deed, we want to welcome and express to all the grace of God’s gospel restoration.
We believe that, through God’s grace and our faith, we are able to work as ambassadors and stewards. No matter how big or small, we believe that the cultures of our hearts, our habits, our marriages, our families, our homes, our organizations, our communities, our neighborhoods, in which God has assigned us, can be made new.
We believe that the kingdom of God has come and that, through the finished work of Christ, He is able to transform the driest streams into rivers overflowing with new life.
We believe that everything flows from the wellspring of our hearts, and our aim is to see hearts transformed by the grace of God. This will happen not by working to correct behaviors or by instruction alone, but by engaging in each heart.
For as we continue to understand, believe, and practice the gospel, our hearts are transformed and grow into Christ-likeness. The gospel then changes us from the inside out, replacing our shame with honor, guilt with righteousness, and weakness with power.
We believe that we have been created to gather. In Revelation 7, we get a visible picture of the type of people God has gathered as a reconciled people: people from every ethnic group, language, and nation. They are multi-ethnic, multi-class, multi-generational, and, through the reconciling power of the gospel, made sons and daughters (and so, brothers and sisters) in Christ.
The gospel changes us into a gathering community that will begin to show others around us what type of eternal home we will have in Christ.
We believe that every follower of Christ is a minister of the gospel wherever they are. As a part of the gathered and scattered church, we believe that it is our church’s calling to equip all people to be God’s instruments of redemption in every place and vocation to which we have been assigned.
In all that we do, we long to look for ways to equip all for the work of ministry.

Making His Kingdom known in every square inch of our hearts, our communities, and around the world.