We invite you to come experience Advent together with LFC.
The Psalms can seem like a strange place to go during Advent, but historically there have been four themes the Church has tended to focus on during Advent: Hope, Peace, Love and Joy. These four themes are in a number of places throughout scripture, but the Psalms add words that can help us process the tension of waiting on these things.
During Advent, we will meet weekly to worship and celebrate the Coming of Christ.
Celebrating Advent, and the weekly focus of Advent, helps us see the purpose of this season personally and with others.
As we look at Christ’s first coming and wait for his second coming, our anxious hearts are comforted knowing that soon all things will be well. As we sing Christmas carols together, we are telling each other that one day soon, we will sing songs of joy with Christ.
As we feast together with friends and family, we are reminding each other and celebrating in advance the day we will feast with Jesus.
Child Care Is Available - We Ask For Your Registration to Help Us Plan
Child Care will be available for preschool-aged children. Children in grade school can participate in worship with their parents and may exit during the sermon for a children’s church. They will rejoin their families near the end of the service.