The Meaning Behind Our Name
Living in fellowship with God, with one another, and with our community.
Our name communicates our hope: that we would be a true and living fellowship of people on mission with God for the renewal of all things in Alpharetta.
We believe the only way to create a true living fellowship in our community is through the transforming work of Christ, who has by His life, death, and resurrection, made the hope of a living fellowship with God possible. Our choice in naming our church Living Fellowship is to quickly point ourselves and our neighbors to that hope of the resurrection - that in Christ, all who believe in Him will be brought into a true and living fellowship with God.
A living fellowship is not just a true relationship between God and ourselves, but also with others who are following Christ, for we are also called to love our neighbors as Christ has loved us.
Our name reminds us to share God’s love with others, that we too may be a faithful presence in each other's lives, loving each other at all times as Christ loves us.
We like to say that Living Fellowship has an environment of grace - a place where we, living in fellowship with one another, are fully accepting of each other.
We want to be a living presence in our community, caring for all by serving and working for the flourishing of all people.
Our living fellowship with Christ means that we will not be distant or move away from the problems we see in our community, but instead move into those needs with open arms.
Just as Christ was sent by the Father, we too are sent into the world as instruments of peace. We, as a living fellowship, will move out in our community with confidence knowing that through Christ all things broken can be made new.
We hope that Living Fellowship Church will be known as a living community of people from every ethnicity, age, nationality, economic status, and political party who are following Christ in all of life.
And as people in a living fellowship with Christ and with one another, we will, with an “explosion of joy”, move out into our neighborhoods, places of work, and schools to love and serve all in our community.
A Prayer of Thanksgiving For the Diversity of Races and Cultures
“O God, who created all peoples in your image, we thank you
for the wonderful diversity of races and cultures in this world.
Enrich our lives by ever-widening circles of fellowship, and
show us your presence in those who differ most from us, until
our knowledge of your love is made perfect in our love for all
your children; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”- The Book of Common Prayer