Meet the Harwells





We are Andrew and Elizabeth Harwell and we live in Alpharetta, Georgia with our three children: Wilson, Charlie, and Rosemary.

Before moving to Metro Atlanta in 2017, Elizabeth and I were both on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ for twelve years, serving in East Asia, at Auburn University, and at the University of Southern Mississippi. In each place, God called us to start new ministries and to love each unique and diverse community in different ways. 

God has furthered our missionary calling in this call to plant a new church in Alpharetta. Since 2016, we have been praying for God to form and equip us for a specific community to love well and in which to become a faithful presence. It is clear to us both that Alpharetta is that place.


I’m the resident adventurer, woodworker, handyman, and landscaper.

Growing up in an agricultural family in central Alabama gave me the opportunity to learn first-hand what it means to practice the art of resurrection.

I thrive when I’m participating in making things new by getting my hands in the soil and waiting on God to bring new life.

I love the work of restoration: in homes, in landscapes, and in hearts.


My wife Elizabeth is the lone introvert in our family of extroverts.

Kentucky is her childhood home— so, as expected, bluegrass is her music of choice and Wendell Berry has a rotating stack of writings on her nightstand.

She is fascinated by the power of words and story: how they can shape and form experiences, affections, and understanding. Elizabeth believes that art nourishes communities.

Her greatest joy would be to have you at her dinner table.


Now We Are Embracing God’s Call And What He Is Doing In Alpharetta. Come and Connect With Us:


A Deep Dive Into Our Core Values


Why Alpharetta?